

Food import | Imports and exports | Anusha Trading Company

Food import | Imports and exports | Anusha Trading Company

Food import: Due to the fact that food and health products are very important and play a very important role in the health of consumers , for this reason relatively strict supervision and rules have been established for the import of these foods .

Food import | Imports and exports | Anusha Trading Company

Based on the law enacted in 1346 , the executive instructions for the import of food , import of medicine and food supplements have been assigned to the food and pharmaceutical organizations . For the import of food and health products and such imports that are highly sensitive , you must obtain the necessary permits from the health and medical committees for each time you import food so that you do not face any problems during the process of importing your products in this field .

Necessary documents for importing food :

  1. In the first step , you have to make a request to obtain your import license . Your request must be written and typed , and there must be a valid stamp and signature of the importing company on the top of the page . In this form , your exact address must be mentioned along with your phone number .
  2. To have the original pro forma , 2 pages of the image of the brand owner or the manufacturing company with the following specifications must be in the head of the pro forma sheet :
  3. The name of the manufacturing plant and the importing country .
  4. The date and number of the pro forma .
  5. The number or weight of goods .
  6. origin of transport .
  7. The full name of the goods that comply with the sanitary permit .
  8. The principle of health license .

Despite what laws can food be imported into the country ?

All the applicants who want to import food should pay attention to the fact that in order to issue a license to import food , they must present all the documents requested by the health committee in person , and on the other hand , these documents must be separated . From the separation of these documents , they should be presented to the General Administration of Food and Pharmaceutical Products .

After the technical and legal committee approves the documents that you have delivered to them , these documents must be sealed by the orders of the Islamic Republic of Iran . It is required by the health committee . After your documents have been approved and the seal of the Islamic Republic has been placed on them , you can start importing the desired food after about a week . If your documents have problems or are not approved by the health committee and medical authorities , it is very likely that you will have problems with customs clearance to import food from the country of origin .

In order for the applicant to be able to easily clear the desired goods , it is necessary to bring a series of documents that must be presented to the experts . These documents are as follows :

  • The importer of goods must submit a written request for the issuance of a clearance license for the desired goods with the seal and signature of the CEO of the importing company .
  • They should bring the original invoice with the manufacturer’s stamp and signature on the top of the page .
  • Application for entry permit for the desired food products .
  • The applicant must submit the original proforma and invoice as well as two sheets of letterhead images from the manufacturing company or brand owners with the following specifications to the health committee .

Food import procedures


Specify the country importing the goods :

Determining the country from which you intend to import goods is an important part of food import laws , and if it is not chosen correctly , you may face problems in the first step . To start importing food , you need to choose a producing country that offers quality products . In the next step , you need to specify the goods that you intend to import into Iran . When choosing a country , keep in mind that it is better for your country to have good business relations with Iran , because the transfer of goods to Iran and the administrative procedures are easier .

Import price determination :

In Iran and other countries , there are many brands to produce a product . At the time of importing any product , you should check which brand has better quality and you have to pay less for its import . Making a good contract with the food company will benefit you in every way and guarantee your profit for the duration of the contract . Note that every type of food item has a price and you have the duty to import the goods to the country at the right price . If the cost of importing your product to the country is more than the calculations of the Food and Drug Organization , it is very difficult to import the product to the country , on the other hand , if your price is suitable , your product will enter the market in the shortest possible time .

Ensuring food safety :

Another important issue in the field of food import laws is the health of food and goods . The health and quality of goods is important not only for Iran ,

but for all countries in the world . Therefore , when purchasing your product , you must carefully check the production and expiration date as well as the

health of the product . If the product does not have an expiration date or does not have the required quality , it is possible that your import license will

be invalidated and a heavy fine will be considered for you . In general , food products must be produced in the best way and with the best ingredients ,

in order to be allowed to enter the country . Therefore , when choosing food products , you should choose the best manufacturer’s brand for import ,

so that the import of the product you want can be done without any problems and you will not be subject to paying a fine .

Sending food sales invoice :

Sales invoice or proforma is one of the documents that you must have in order to import goods . This form will be sent to you by your request from

the seller of the goods , which contains information such as the number of goods and the price of the goods and other specific information related to

the goods . One of the advantages of a sales invoice is that if an item is mentioned in the invoice but is not implemented , you can return the goods and request a review of the goods .

Basic food packaging :

Another law in the field of food import , which is very strict inside Iran , is the basic packaging of food . Food products should be packed in the best

possible way so that they do not spoil during transportation to Iran and during storage in the warehouse of origin and destination . In general , food

packaging should be shockproof and able to reflect sunlight so that the food does not deteriorate due to heat . In most cases , the food manufacturing

company is responsible for product packaging , and to choose the type of packaging you need , you should refer to the product manufacturing company itself .

Obtaining the necessary permits and documents :

To clear your goods from customs , you need permits that are issued by the Ministry of Food and Drug of the Islamic Republic of Iran . The license you

receive shows that your goods are properly packed and cleared . The customs of the Islamic Republic of Iran first checks your permits , then allows you

to clear the goods . Along with these permits , your business card is also examined and as you know , each business card is for importing a specific

product and profession . Therefore , you should be careful when choosing a business card so that you don’t get into trouble during the clearance of your goods .

Food insurance :

Insurance is one of the main pillars of importing goods in any country . Your food and goods should always be insured so that if any kind of incident happens ,

the insurance will pay for the damage . Having imported food insurance is very important when importing goods . You should know that your goods are more

vulnerable to damage during sea transportation and you should insure all of them to ensure the security of your goods . Insurance can be considered as a

guarantee method for food safety , which covers your goods from the manufacturing company until the goods reach you .

Food clearance :

The last step for importing food is the clearance of goods from the ports by providing the required documents as well as the received permits . To clear your

goods from customs , you must first submit the necessary documents to customs , which is one of the most important documents . After receiving the

required documents from you , the customs officials will inform you after 5 to 9 days whether you can clear your cargo from the customs or not. If you can

clear your cargo from customs and your documents are complete , you can clear all your goods from customs by paying the customs fee .

Food business

Guide to importing and clearing food from customs :

Food imports to Iran include all condiments and edibles . Also , some goods and foodstuffs such as pasta , sauce , dairy products , pasta , canned goods ,

ham , sausage , chocolate , coffee and snacks such as puffs , chips , spices , rice , red and white meats are imported into the country as well . are issued

It should be noted that in order to import food products to Iran and trade them in the country , a series of rules and regulations must be followed , which are usually done by food work clearance .

Food imports to Iran are carried out by most European countries . Food is also exported to most European countries , Afghanistan , Iraq and the United Arab Emirates .

But as we mentioned , importing food to Iran , due to the early spoilage of food during the process of transportation , clearance and customs formalities ,

it is better to get the help of an expert food clearance , so as not to suffer during the customs clearance process. Don’t be a problem .

Food business

Nowadays, many countries around the world face challenges such as lack of suitable agricultural land, insufficient natural resources, or unfavorable climatic

conditions, which prevent them from producing the necessary food products for their population. As a result, they are compelled to import food from other

countries to meet their needs. These countries represent excellent markets for exporting food products.

On the other hand, Iran enjoys a very suitable and diverse climate. Due to this diversity and the presence of fertile agricultural lands, Iran produces a

wide range of food products, agricultural goods, and fisheries. This makes Iran a very suitable and attractive option for international trade and exports.

With its favorable conditions, Iran not only meets its own food and agricultural needs but also produces a significant amount of food and agricultural

products for export to other countries around the world.

Food distribution

As mentioned, the export of such food products and agricultural goods is very prosperous and profitable. Iran is one of the prominent and well-known

countries among the exporters of food products, agricultural goods, and fisheries globally. Consequently, many trade and commerce companies have

been established to carry out the export activities of food products, agricultural goods, and fisheries.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the export of food products to other countries and international markets, and outline the necessary

steps and permits required for the export and trade of food products.

Exporting food products | Import and export | Anusha Trading Company

Important items and tips in food business

In Iran, food products and agricultural goods are produced extensively. There is significant competition among producers and

trading companies for the production and export of these products to foreign countries. Iran exports its products to countries

that face challenges in securing food supplies. The trade and commerce of food products are complex and require special

certifications and permits. For this purpose, and to engage in the trade of food products, the following points must be considered:

  • All laws, regulations, and standards of the destination countries and target markets must be observed and complied with.
  • We must consider the purchasing power of the people in the countries to which we export our products.
  • All new and modern techniques, as well as all packaging and storage standards for food products that align with the preferences and consumption habits of the destination countries, must be taken into account and adhered to.
  • Appropriate and modern methods for the safe and rapid transportation of food products must be employed to ensure that our exported food and agricultural products are delivered as quickly as possible, preventing spoilage and deterioration.

Food imports | Trading food products | Anusha Trading Company

What are the stages of trade and export of food products?

Exporting, importing, and trading food products is a very prosperous and profitable activity. However, to achieve good income

and profit and to reach our goals, we must have the necessary and sufficient information about exports and trade, as well as

the required information about obtaining the permits needed for food trade. We can consider the following steps for the trade and export of food products:

Food export

  1. We must pay attention to all the laws, standards, and regulations set by customs, trade, and the Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade for the trade and export of food and agricultural products. These laws and regulations are very important.
  2. Traders and food trading companies that want to engage in trade and export activities must obtain the necessary permits and various certifications from the Ministries of Food, Drug, and Health for trading in this field. Trading companies and traders must also obtain a commercial card, as it is essential for conducting export and trade activities. Without this card, trade cannot be conducted.
  3. Another important step in the export and trade of food products is pricing the products according to target markets, marketing the products, and paying export and customs tariffs and fees.
  4. All principles and standards related to product packaging and the regulations and laws related to the storage of food products, which are very important in the export and trade of food products, must be observed.
  5. Another requirement in the trade of food products is having an export introduction letter and customs approval.

What licenses are required to export food products?

To export our food products to other countries and international markets and to have successful exports and trade, we must comply with the laws and regulations of the importing countries. Here, we will examine the permits required for the trade and export of food products:

Obtaining a Commercial Card for Food Trade and Commerce One of the most important documents and permits needed for trade and commerce in the field of food products is the commercial card. This card grants traders and trading companies the authorization to conduct international trade activities. The commercial card is issued for both individuals and legal entities, and its validity period is a maximum of one year.

Trading Company | Food export | Anusha Trading Company

all kind of sauce

Export Permit

Export Permit for Goods and Food Products When you receive an export permit from the Ministry of Commerce,

it means that the export of a specific product has been approved. This permit must be obtained in person from the Ministry of Commerce.

Obtaining Standard Certification for Food Trade This certification can be obtained for goods and products that are legally required to have a standard certificate.

Packing List When you want to review and obtain the export and trade permit for food products, you will encounter the packing list and the concept of packing.

Packing means that if your product for export consists of various parts and sections, you must prepare a list of the different parts of your product,

which is called the packing list. This packing list must be submitted to customs.

Obtaining Health and Quarantine Certificates for Exported Food Products In the country, quarantine is necessary and essential for plant and animal items.

The Veterinary Organization has stated that for the import and export of live animals, items related to them, veterinary pesticides, biological drugs, and disinfectants are essential.

Obtaining Atomic Energy Certification for Food Products This certification must be obtained for all food products and metal residues to receive the necessary export permits for food products.

Pricing of Food and Agricultural Products A crucial aspect of determining the cost and price of the export product is pricing, which is done by the Customs

Pricing Committee. This allows you to observe and review the target and prices of products in international markets. Based on the determined prices for

food products and the profit obtained from their sale, you can select the desired food and agricultural products for export and trade.

Trade in food products | Export and Import | Anusha Company

Export of Iranian products

Iran is an active country in the export of food and agricultural products. Iran exports products such as powdered milk, tomato paste, rice,

natural fruit juices and protein fruit juices, canned beans and tuna, cocoa powder, and various essences and flavorings to other countries.

Iran exports these products to countries like Iraq, the UAE, Libya, and Ghana.

Exporting food products to Dubai

The gross production rate in the UAE, particularly in Dubai, is high. This rate is so high that it places Dubai on an economic level comparable

to European countries. Dubai’s economy is continuously growing, making the conditions and opportunities for exporting food products to Dubai

much easier than before. Iranian food products are very well-received and popular in the UAE and Dubai, which facilitates the export of Iranian food products.

One of the important and essential conditions for exporting food products to the UAE is that the imported food must be halal. All food products

produced in Iran meet this requirement. Therefore, this makes the process of exporting food products to Dubai much easier for trading companies.

kinds of sauces

What is the export and trade of food products to the UAE?

Many food production companies choose the UAE for exporting their products. Given the high standard of living in the UAE, the exported food

products to this country must also be of high quality. Before starting trade with Dubai, we should familiarize ourselves with and review the regulations

and procedures for food trade and export to the UAE to avoid confusion and ensure successful trade with this country. Exporting food products to Dubai

is similar to exporting products to other countries and does not involve a complex process.

Necessary steps and tips for exporting food products to Dubai

To export food products to Dubai, you must first analyze and study the target markets and competitors to develop a good strategy for your exports.

Without sufficient knowledge and information about the target markets, you cannot have a successful food trade.

After analyzing the markets and competitors, it is time to select the product you want to export to Dubai based on the popular products in Dubai that have high demand.

Next, you need to find suitable buyers and customers for your exported food products. You should have information about marketing products in Dubai

and know what to do. In marketing, electronic marketing can help you succeed. To find suitable customers, you should be familiar with negotiating with

buyers and corresponding in Arabic and English. Many exporters seek advice and assistance from professional and experienced organizations in this field.

You must obtain all the necessary permits for exporting food products to Dubai and comply with all the laws and standards of this country for all stages

and activities of food trade and export.

Other steps that must be taken for trade and export to Dubai include: having an international account for financial transactions, obtaining the necessary

and essential permits for trade and export, packaging products according to the preferences and standards of target markets, reviewing and completing

customs procedures, paying customs-related fees, contracting with a transportation company, contracting with an insurance company and insuring the

products, and clearing the products from customs.

Food business | Export and trade | Anusha Trading Company

Food exports to Libya

Iran is a Middle Eastern country with a strong economy that has always strived to expand its exports to other countries. By doing so, it aims to grow and develop its economy and establish good trade relations with other countries. One of the countries to which Iran has increased its exports is Libya.

Libya is a country with abundant natural resources, offering excellent and profitable markets for Iranian products. Exporting Iranian products to Libya is a suitable method for strengthening trade relations between Iran and Libya. Economic incentives have made this process successful.

Libya is a country in Africa with abundant crude oil resources and a dynamic economy. However, in recent years, due to crises and political issues experienced within the country, its domestic production has decreased, and oil prices have fluctuated. As a result, Libya has increasingly imported products from other countries.

Creating business opportunities and exporting Iranian products

Exporting Iranian food products to Libya promotes economic growth for both Iran and Libya. By increasing the volume of exports and trade

between the two countries, Iran’s trade relations with Libya are strengthened, creating numerous opportunities for economic cooperation and exchanges.

The export of Iranian food products to Libya is very important. Conducting marketing and advertising, as well as establishing direct connections with

Libyan markets, is essential. These actions can expand the export markets and trade of Iranian products in Libya, leading to an increase in the volume of exports to this country.

Like other countries, Libya has its own laws and standards for importing products, which must be reviewed and adhered to. Iran annually exports

a variety of products to Libya, including rice, tomato paste, natural and protein fruit juices, canned beans, powdered milk, cocoa powder, tuna, and other items.

Establishing trade representatives, participating in trade exhibitions, and attending trade events, as well as making suitable trade agreements with Libya, help

both Iran and Libya maintain good trade relations and promote the economic development of both countries.

Food | Trade | Anusha Trading Company


In general, the trade and export of food products involve many complex steps. These steps include obtaining the necessary permits for trade in this field,

marketing the products, analyzing target markets and pricing food products, obtaining permits for food packaging, obtaining inspection permits for food products, obtaining certification for appropriate packaging according to standards, and signing contracts with transportation companies for the shipment of food products.

To fully understand the steps involved in the trade and export of food products and to complete all the stages of food trade and export more quickly and

easily, please contact Anousha Trading Company and visit their website. Anousha Trading Company will assist you in this field and provide specialized consultations with their experienced and expert staff.

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