

Kiwi juice


توضیحات محصول

Kiwi properties for the body

1. It improves lung function in people with asthma.
2. Improves digestion…
3. It may help treat cancer.
4. It helps to increase heart health.
5. It may help treat diabetes.
6. Fights inflammation…
7. It may help you lose weight.
8. Strengthens vision



Kiwi juice

The origin of kiwi, which is also called Chinese gooseberry, goes back to the northern parts of China. This fruit is low in calories and rich in important nutrients such as vitamins C, E and K, as well as potassium and folate. Kiwi is also rich in fiber, which helps maintain digestive health and weight loss. Some studies show that kiwi can fight heart disease and other diseases.

Kiwi properties for the body

Kiwi is a powerful source of antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and help prevent respiratory diseases such as asthma. Kiwi fiber is good for the digestive system, and its lutein and zeaxanthin are good for vision. In the following, we will examine the 12 properties of kiwi.

1. Improves lung function in people with asthma

Helping to improve lung function in people with asthma is one of the properties of kiwi. The vitamin C in this fruit may help treat asthma. In a study, it was shown that kiwi consumption protects children from wheezing and asthma. Kiwi is rich in vitamins C and E.

In another study, these two nutrients were shown to improve lung function in children. Kiwi has significant effects in improving respiratory diseases such as asthma. If you want to benefit from the benefits of kiwi, we suggest consuming it more than once or twice a week.

This fruit works great in strengthening the immune system. Kiwi helps fight oxidative stress and promotes beneficial immune system reactions. Studies show that kiwi can reduce the severity and frequency of upper respiratory tract infections.

2. Improves digestion

Kiwi fiber helps in better digestion. Fiber treats constipation and loosens the stool. Constipation and stool hardness are among digestive problems. Kiwi also contains potassium, which is an important electrolyte and helps strengthen the body’s immune system.

Actinidin (an enzyme found in kiwi) is also useful in helping digestion. This enzyme also helps digest food proteins, which is important in the context of the mentioned properties of kiwi.

3. It may help treat cancer

In a study, it was shown that kiwi extract has positive effects in fighting oral cancer cells.
This fruit reduces DNA damage by oxidative stress. Kiwi vitamin C fights free radicals. An increase in the level of free radicals in the body can significantly increase the risk of cancer. Kiwi fiber is also useful in fighting cancer, especially gastrointestinal cancer. Other useful compounds of kiwi in this field include sulforaphane, indole and isocyanate.

4. It helps to increase heart health

Increasing heart health is another property of kiwi. This fruit is rich in potassium, which is an essential mineral for the heart. Studies show that this nutrient alone can have significant protective effects against heart disease.

In one study, people who consumed 4069 milligrams of potassium per day were 49% less likely to die from heart disease. Kiwi consumption also helps in lowering blood pressure levels. Eating two to three kiwis a day may reduce high blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular problems.

5. May help treat diabetes

Kiwi has a lot of water, which makes it a great option for diabetics. 100 grams of this fruit contains only 5 grams of sugar or glucose and therefore has limited effects on blood glucose levels. Kiwi has less carbohydrates than most other fruits; So that an average kiwi contains 11 grams of carbohydrates. Kiwi fiber also helps regulate blood sugar levels.

6. Fights inflammation

Kiwi contains a type of peptide called Kisper, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. In various studies, it has been shown that this type of peptide fights against the inflammation of intestinal tissues. There is still no data to show that this fruit has anti-inflammatory effects against any type of inflammation (other than intestinal inflammation).


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